Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) was the man. He (actually his 2 successive wives) had 20 children, but since it was ye olde-timey days (no antibiotics, rats everywhere, no internet, etc.) only 10 survived to adulthood. What did survive is thousands of intricate, beautiful, inspired pieces of music. Bach usually wrote pieces in a style called ‘counterpoint’, consisting of several melodic lines weaving about, each standing on its own and mixing with others in the most clever of ways. Bach’s keyboard works were written for ‘pre-piano’ instruments such as organ, harpsichord, and clavichord, as the piano was very recently invented, and he wasn’t used to how awesome it was. He figured the harpsichord was good enough. And if it ain’t baroque…
Prelude No. 2 in C Major – Bach, J.S.Prelude No. 2 in C Major, BWV 939
20 DownloadsInvention 13 in A Minor – Bach, J.S.Invention No. 13 in A Minor, BWV 784
14 DownloadsMusette in D Major – Bach, J.S.Musette in D Major, BWV Anh. 126
19 DownloadsPrelude in C Major – Bach, J.S.Prelude in C Major, from The Well-Tempered Clavier Book 1, BWV 846 – Bach, J.S.